Conduct pH/Temperature declines in beef carcases
What is the course about?
The aim of this module is to provide operatives with the knowledge and skills to operate pH equipment, to accurately conduct pH/temperature declines, measure ultimate pH and operate the relevant MSA software to record the results. The operatives should also be able to interpret pH decline results and investigate corrective action procedures if carcases are not conforming to the pH/temperature window.
It is essential for a MSA licensed enterprise to achieve the pH/temperature window to meet MSA requirements. It is also recommended that all enterprises eliminate cold and heat shortening in order to optimise the eating quality of their product.
How do I book a Course?
pH decline training is a company-based program and can be booked by enquiring via our website. Run as an In-House course only we require a minimum of 5 people to run this on site.
We require access to the slaughter floor and chillers and is run over 2 days and can be run in conjunction with the MSA Onsite Beef eating Quality Modules.
Your courses fees paid cover the following items:
- Course tuition
- Workbooks and assessments
- Issue of certificate

As a requirement under the MSA processing standards there must be one trained operative
present in each area of production when MSA product is being processed.
- For each module, it is suggested that as many operatives as possible from the area of operation attend. This in future will cover the loss of any staff from any area on any day
- The key operatives who should attend the training for each module are the foreman, QA and any operatives involved with the use or application of a process that has MSA requirements placed on it as per the standards manual
- There must be a management representative, who has the overall responsibility for the quality management system who acts as an MSA coordinator
- The MSA coordinator is required to participate in all on-site training modules
All AUS-MEAT training courses are presented in English. A sound understanding of the English language is required. All workbooks and assessments are conducted in English. If required, the use of dictionaries or tablets are acceptable.
For any additional or special requirements please contact AUS-MEAT on (07) 3361 9200 to discuss what support services are available.
How will you be assessed?
To pass this course and become competent at conducting pH decline monitoring activities you must meet certain criteria. These are divided into a practical component and a theory component. Below are the assessments you are required to complete:
Assessment 1 - pH decline scenarios
Involves the trainees using various communication and problem-solving skills to identify a non-conformance and corrective action.
Assessment 2 - Workplace Competency Checklist
You will be assessed by your workplace trainer whilst conducting monitoring in your own establishment. This will involve completing all competencies required for monthly validation of the pH window.
Assessment 3 - Theory assessment
There will be a multiple exam that may cover any of the learning outcomes detailed in this course.
Issue of Certificates
At the successful completion of all the above assessments you will be issued with a "Statement of Attainment"
Unit of competency:
AMPQUA407 Conduct and validate pH temperature declines to MSA standards
This unit sits within the Certificate IV in Meat Processing AMP40222 qualification.
Days 1 & 2 | TBA |
You will need to bring the following to the course:
- All protective clothing for entering production areas will be supplied by the hosting processor
Entry Requirements
There are no Pre-requisites for this course.
At the course:
- Participate in group discussions and activities
- Ask trainer/s questions during the course to ensure you understand the course content
- Complete overnight exercises as revision of the course content
- Utilise training materials provided to you such as workbook
- Take care of equipment so as to participate in practical activities each day
On completion of this course you must be able to show your trainer you can:
- Calibrate the pH measurement equipment
- Operate the pH measurement equipment
- Conduct a monthly pH/temperature monitoring
- Conduct weekly monitoring
- Ability to validate ultimate pH
- Ability to analyse results of pH/temperature monitoring
- Ability to suggest corrective action plans if window conformance has not been met